Copenhagen Winter Fairytale
Unique Igloo Escape in North Lapland
Christmas in Northern Lapland
Dog Sleigh Safari in the Fells of Lapland
Dog Sleigh Safari Muonio - Kilpisjärvi
Polar Safari Adventure
Santa Claus Fairytale
Christmas Adventure at Santa Claus Village
Santa Claus Adventure in Lapland
Winter Adventure in Northwest Lapland
Lapland Winter Adventure
Cross Country Ski Trek in Northwest Lapland
Ilulissat: Icebergs & Northern Lights
Iceland Spa Sampler
Iceland Winter Break
Iceland New Years
Volcano and Hidden Valley
Northern Lights & Reykjavik
Northern Lights Adventure
Glaciers, Waterfalls & Geysers
Ski Geilo
Geilo - Snowboarding
Lillehammer - Olympic Adventure
Capercaillie Hunt
Moose Hunt
St. Petersburg by Rail
Czarist St. Petersburg
Ice Hotel Sweden
Spitsbergen Winter Safari
Spitsbergen Husky Safari
Spitsbergen Newton Expedition
General Conditions


The Story of the ICEHOTEL:


From its modest beginnings as a single room thirteen years ago, ICEHOTEL has grown to 5,000 square meters built of 30,000 tons of snow and 4,000 tons of ice.
In the winter season 2001/ 2002, more than 14,000 guests spent the night in ICEHOTEL and 37,000 day visitors walked in through the reindeer-skin covered doors. In this 60-room wintry fairy-tale land, there is a hotel reception, hall of pillars, Ice art exhibition, ABSOLUT ICEBAR, ICEHOTEL cinema, the fantastic Ice church and of course hotel rooms. In the evening, the guests assemble in ABSOLUT ICEBAR to have a drink "in the rocks" from ice glasses sculpted from the ice of the River Torne.

The Ice church is a consecrated room of snow and ice in which church services, weddings and christenings take place.

At the end of October, around thirty local artists and builders start work, ahead of the arrival of the first guests in mid-December. Snow canons and front loaders help to form the snow over arched steel sections, some as big as 5 meters in height and 6 meters across. Two days later, the sections are moved and are ready to use somewhere else. The ice pillars are then put in place to give extra strength to the self-supporting snow arches.

In March, ice is harvested from the River Torne with the help of tractors and special ice saws which were developed here in Jukkasjärvi. The pure river water, in combination with the fast-flowing current, gives crystal-clear ice. The ice blocks, weighing almost 2 tons, are stored in our freeze-house for export and processing. Much of the stored ice is used in constructing next year's ICEHOTEL.

By the beginning of December, the main building is almost finished and the interior work begins. This continues until the end of January. With an indoor temperature of around five below zero, working conditions are relatively comfortable compared to the outdoor temperature, which can drop lower than forty below zero. Working to late in the evening, the sculptors cut and work the ice to create things like interior decorations, windows, doors, pillars, furniture, lamps and naturally - sculptures. Specially invited Swedish and international guests artists come every year to design the décor in certain rooms.

The varied styles of the many artists, together with the properties of the ice, create a unique atmosphere: not unlike that in a museum, in fact - filled with magic, mystique and surprises for the visitors as they wander from room to room.

In winter 2000, a new chapter in the story of ICEHOTEL AB began when operations were extended across the Atlantic - and co-operation began with ICEHOTEL Québec in Canada. In the beautiful area of Duchesnay outside Québec, ICEHOTEL Québec opens in January and closes at the end of March.
For more information, visit:

Another new chapter began in winter 2003 with the construction of "Ice Globe Theatre" - a replica of Shakespeare's "Globe Theatre" on the Thames in London. The project attracted large numbers of guests to the region. The building was a highly interesting challenge in its own right, and the goal was to unite that bastion of the Thespian arts, The Globe, with the beauty and magic of ICEHOTEL.

Sadly, the sun's rays begin to melt the newly built ICEHOTEL in late April. Although the last guests check out at the end of April, work continues into June, by which time ICEHOTEL has become water hotel. To get a head start on the following winter season, the builders insulate thousands of tons of ice in ICEHOTEL Art Center - a freezer covering 1,500 square meters, where there is also an ice and snow exhibition designed to give visitors a taste of ICEHOTEL.

Of ICEHOTEL itself, the sculptors save just a few works of art from the preceding winter season in the Art Center, and the rest of the hotel is left to melt away. Nature's own short-term gift gives an opportunity to experiment with form, space, and technique every year; and just like snow flakes, no two ICE HOTELS are ever identical. The beauty, and the parts we are not completely happy with, run back into the River Torne and make way for next winter's version of ICEHOTEL. From this river, the ideas of the summer shall find expression in the creations of the coming winter.
From the river came the ice, and to the river it shall return; all that will remain are memories.



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 Copyright Five Stars of Scandinavia, Inc. 2006