Arctic & North Atlantic
Schedule 2006 & News
Scottish Islands
Around Iceland
Iceland - Jan Mayen - Bear Island - Spitsbergen
Faroe Islands - Jan Mayen - South Spitsbergen
Around Spitsbergen
Southwest Greenland
Disko Bay - Umanak
Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland
East Greenland
North Spitsbergen

M/V Polar Star - Remote Coast of

East Greenland

M/V Polar Star - Viking Trail to the Americas
M/V Polar Star - Northeast Canada
M/V Polar Star - Magic of Islands & Fjords

M/V Polar Star - Remote Coastal Region of the UK

Spitsbergen Grand Expeditions
Spitsbergen Expedition Cruise
Spitsbergen Adventure Cruise
MS Nordstjernen Anniversary Cruise

Special offers
General Conditions




8 days / 7 nights, Aberdeen - Shetland Islands -Foula Island - North Rona -

Sula Sgeir  - Flannan Islands - Lewis - St. Kilda - Oban


MOL02  May 19 - 26, Aberdeen - Oban, M/V Professor Molchanov

GMK02* May 20 - 27, Aberdeen - Oban, M/V Grigoriy Mikheev

MOL 03 May 26 - Jun 02,  Oban - Aberdeen, M/V Professor Molchanov (in reverse order)

GMK03 May 27  - Jun 03, Oban - Aberdeen, M/V Grigoriy Mikheev (in reverse order)

This cruise sails to the most beautiful seabird islands, from the Scottish Islands to the Shetlands and the Flannan Islands. The channels between the Scottish islands offer some of Europe’s best whale and dolphin watching. Sailing through the sounds and fjords of these islands surrounded by perpendicular walls of basalt is a breathtaking experience. When on deck, always keep an eye out for Minke Whales. These small baleen whales are sleek, fast moving and often solitary but can be quite curious about boats, approaching and swimming around and under a vessel. Acrobatic White-beaked Dolphins, and Orcas (Killer Whales) are also sometimes encountered, along with the smallest of cetaceans in British waters, the elusive and solitary Harbor Porpoise. The bird population  is one the densest of the world with 49 species breeding regularly.


Day 1 Departure Aberdeen
We embark in Aberdeen, famed as the granite city and many times a winner of the Britain in Bloom competition.

Day 2 Shetland Islands
At Fair Isle, in the Shetlands, we are welcomed by the 70 or so inhabitants (famed for their knitwear, examples of which we will see) and walk to the bird observatory. We view Grey Seals, Black Guillemots, Puffins, Fulmars, Red-throated Divers, Arctic Skuas and a colony of Gannets and a wonderful spring flora. At the southwestern part of the island we make a zodiac cruise through a wonderful maze of channels and stacks, where we observe Grey Seals and Harbor Seals. If the weather is poor we will sail by Westray, with impressive bird cliffs at the northern tip, and land at Papa Westray, an inhabited island with accessible and varied bird cliffs, and good photo opportunities.

Day 3 Foula

To the west of Shetland lies the small island of Foula, home to the largest colony of Great Skuas in the northern hemisphere. There are small ponds with Red-throated Divers and spectacular cliffs (The Noup) crowded with nesting seabirds. We visit Arctic Tern and Arctic Skua colonies as well as calling on the islanders who number only about 30.

Day 4 North Rona - Sula Sgeir

Out in the Atlantic to the north-west of Scotland lie the tiny islands of North Rona and Sula Sgeir. We shall land on North Rona to see the seabird colonies and the Grey Seals. The island was inhabited in the 18th century and some remains are still visible: Leach's Petrels can be heard calling from their nesting burrows in the ruined walls of a small church in the ‘village'. Sula Sgeir is the last island in Britain on which Gannets are harvested annually. There will be spectacular views of its cliffs as we sail around.

Day 5 Flannan Islands - Lewis

There will be great opportunities to watch and photograph Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins on the Flannan Islands, a group of small islands to the west of the Outer Hebrides. Later we visit Lewis to see the prehistoric stone circle of Callanish, one of the finest in Britain with stones over 3m tall. There are several smaller stone circles and chambered cairns on the moorland near Callanish.

Day 6 St. Kilda

To the west of North Uist lie the St. Kilda group of islands, built of volcanic rock and with cliffs rising to over 400m, the highest in Britain and home to the largest seabird colony in the country. St Kilda has its own sub-species of birds and mice, and of sheep, the Soay, probably brought here by Stone Age man over 5,000 years ago. Until 1930 St Kilda was inhabited, but then the last of the islanders left leaving a handful of windswept ruins, though there is also a military base which may be visited.

Day 7 Mingulay - Berneray - Pabay

The small islands of Mingulay, Berneray and Pabay, to the south of South Uist, are a nature reserve with important breeding populations of razorbills, guillemots, black guillemots, puffins, fulmars and shags. There are also five species of gull, all the seabirds being attracted by the cliffs and caves which offer safe nesting sites. The islands also have significant historical sites, including the old village on Mingulay which the last islanders left in 1912. The islanders were fishermen and collected the seabirds and eggs for food. They also traded the feathers.
If the weather is poor we will sail to Canna, one of the 'Small Isles’ of the Inner Hebrides. It has a tiny agricultural and cattle-rearing population. From a walk along the cliff top we may see Golden Eagles, White-tailed Eagles and Peregrine Falcons. At the cliff edge the rare Loose-flowered Orchids grow.

Day 8 Oban

We disembark at Oban, a small and cozy harbor town in west Scotland. From there we take the train to Glasgow, a marvelous journey through one of the most scenic parts of Scotland, to join our homeward flights.


The channels between the Scottish Islands offer excellent possibilities to spot Minke Whales (a small baleen whale), White-beaked Dolphins and Harbor Porpoises. Several other cetaceans, including Orcas (Killer Whales), are also native to these waters.

In reverse order:
MOL03, May 26 – June 02 (Oban - Aberdeen)
GMK03, May 27 – June 03 (Oban – Aberdeen )



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Departure Dates
Scottish Islands (Aberdeen - Oban)
Voyage Date Port Date Port


MOL02 May 19  ABZ May 26 Oban Prof. Molchanov

May 20

ABZ May 27 Oban Grigoriy Mikheev
MOL 03 May 26 Oban Jun 02 ABZ Prof. Molchanov
GMK03 May 27 Oban Jun 03 ABZ Grigoriy Mikheev
ABZ = Aberdeen
Prices in US Dollars
Triple Non Private Twin Non Private Twin Private Superior Suite
1,850 2,.210 2,590 2,940 3,620


  • Voyage aboard the indicated vessel as per itinerary

  • All meals throughout the voyage aboard the ship incl. snacks, coffee and tea

  • All shore excursions and activities throughout the voyage by Zodiac

  • Program of lectures by noted naturalists and leadership by experienced expedition staff

  • Transfers and baggage handling between hotels, airports and ship only for those passengers on the group flights in Spitsbergen and in Greenland

  • All miscellaneous service taxes and port charges throughout the program

  • Comprehensive pre-departure material

Not Included

  • Any airfare, whether on scheduled or charter flights

  • Pre- and post land arrangements;

  • Transfers to / from the vessel outside Spitsbergen and Greenland

  • Passport and Visa expenses

  • Government arrival and departure taxes

  • Meals ashore

  • Baggage, cancellation and personal insurance (strongly recommended)

  • Excess baggage charges and all items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar, beverage charges and telecommunication charges

  • The customary gratuity at the end of the voyages for stewards and other service personnel aboard (guidelines will be provided)

  • $ 25 Service fee

Please note:

All dates & rates are subject to change.

All voyages will operate subject to a minimum of 25 participants (motor vessels) & 12 participants for the ?Noorderlicht?.

All rates are quoted per person in US Dollar, based on twin occupancy.

Twin non private and Twin private cabins are available for single occupancy at 1.7 times the share price US Dollar rates apply for all sales outside the area of the European Union.

5% discount will be granted for bookings for one or more consecutive voyages.

All itineraries are for guidance only. Programs may vary depending on local ice and weather conditions, and in order to take advantage of opportunities to see wildlife. Flexibility is paramount for expedition cruises.



Oceanwide Expeditions is the proud winner of the prestigious award:



Fuel surcharge

Due to the continuous increases of fuel prices a fuel surcharge of US $ 14.00 per night per passenger has been added to the Arctic and North Atlantic Expedition Cruises on board the vessels

m/v “Professor Molchanov”, m/v “Professor Multanovskiy”, m/v “Grigoriy Mikheev” and

m/v “Aleksey Maryshev”.



All itineraries are for guidance only. Programs may vary depending on local ice and weather conditions and in order to take advantage of opportunities to see wildlife.
Flexibility is paramount for expedition cruises.


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 Copyright Five Stars of Scandinavia, Inc. 2006