Arctic & North Atlantic
Schedule 2006 & News
Scottish Islands
Around Iceland
Iceland - Jan Mayen - Bear Island - Spitsbergen
Faroe Islands - Jan Mayen - South Spitsbergen
Around Spitsbergen
Southwest Greenland
Disko Bay - Umanak
Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland
East Greenland
North Spitsbergen

M/V Polar Star - Remote Coast of

East Greenland

M/V Polar Star - Viking Trail to the Americas
M/V Polar Star - Northeast Canada
M/V Polar Star - Magic of Islands & Fjords

M/V Polar Star - Remote Coastal Region of the UK

Spitsbergen Grand Expeditions
Spitsbergen Expedition Cruise
Spitsbergen Adventure Cruise
MS Nordstjernen Anniversary Cruise

Special offers
General Conditions


Around Iceland (Keflavik - Keflavik)

09 days / 8 nights,  Keflavik - Snaefellsnes Peninsula - Breidafjordur- Flatey - Látrabjarg - Isafjordur Peninsula -

Hornvik - Jan Mayen - Grimsey Island - Raudinupur Bird Cliffs - Borgarfjördur - Papey - Hamarsfjordur -

Westman Islands - Heimaey - Keflavik


May 24 - Jun 01, Professor Multanovskiy

View all 2006 Iceland - Spitsbergen departures & rates

Iceland is a modern, technologically advanced country within 5 hours of the east coast of the United States. Iceland is the ideal place for taking a break and setting foot on a European outpost with an exciting, lively, and ancient - but living culture all of its own. You’ll feel at home - free to walk around, shop, admire, explore. It’s a place you could go on discovering. Hot springs are found all over Iceland, but they are rare in the eastern basalt area. There are about 250 low-temperature geothermal areas with a total of about 800 hot springs. Fish and fish products constitute more than 70% of Iceland’s exports in goods and it is the most important industry. Agricultural land in Iceland is mostly used for growing grass for the making of hay and silage as fodder for livestock. Sheep and dairy cattle make up the main livestock in Icelandic farming. The waters around Iceland are home to many Orcas.

Late in the afternoon we board ship in the port of Keflavik, just a short way from the international airport, to begin the circumnavigation of Iceland. The largest of the North Atlantic islands, Iceland?s volcanoes, icecaps, rugged glaciated mountains, fjords and coastal cliffs and beaches together form one of the most inspiring landscapes on earth. Sail north to the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, which is crowned by a beautiful snow-capped volcanic cone, 1442m high Snaefellsjokull. In the mellow evening light (at this time of year it is light all night) it is worth staying on deck to watch for whales in this often very productive location. The upwelling of nutrient-rich water west of the peninsula attracts many cetacean species, including Blue and Humpback Whales, while Orcas are often spotted closer to shore.


We arrive in the broad and shallow bay of Breidafjordur, which is peppered with thousands of islands and skerries. If we are very lucky, we may glimpse the White-tailed Eagle among these historic islands, from where Erik the Red set sail to discover Greenland. We land on Flatey and explore its delightful fishing village, strolling among the many well-preserved traditional timber buildings and visiting the church, with its paintings by the Spanish-Icelandic artist Baltasar Samper, and restored library. On and around Flatey, Black Guillemots, Puffins, Common Eiders and Red-necked Phalaropes can be seen. Later we land on Klofningur a basalt island with breeding Shags, Fulmars and Great Black-backed Gulls. Sailing to the north side of the bay, we use the Zodiacs to cruise the cliffs and sea caves of Látrabjarg, at the westernmost point of Iceland. Home to the world's largest Razorbill colony, Iceland’s most extensive bird cliffs are 14km long and rise to over 400m in height. Our expedition naturalists will point out the other bird species that nest on the cliffs and also the seals on the rocks.


Today we explore the Isafjordur Peninsula, geologically the oldest region in Iceland, its imposing basalt mountains scoured out by Ice Age glaciers. We sail into Adalvik in the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve. Once farmed, this beautiful, sheltered fjord has been deserted for 50 years. As sheep no longer graze here and the human impacts are minimal, fauna and flora thrive on a scale unknown in other parts of Iceland. We continue our voyage by sailing along the Hornstrandir Peninsula, spotting the remains of other farmsteads along the coastline of golden sand beaches set between sheer basalt cliffs. We aim to land at Hornvik , where we can follow an old path, used by fowlers, to reach the top of 300m high Hornbjarg. From the dizzy heights of this cliff we can marvel at one of the biggest seabird colonies in Iceland, with tens of thousands of Brünnich's Guillemots and Kittiwakes.

If the East Greenland pack- ice will be less than 100 nautical miles north of Iceland, and the weather will be good, we will sail towards the edge and spend some time in and near the ice. During our 24 hours at sea, there will be plenty of time to watch for the spout of large whales, and to observe the northern migration of skuas and other Arctic birds. When we sail along the pack ice edge, we may also see Harp Seals.
If the pack-ice will be more than 100 nautical miles north of Iceland we will land at the east side of the Isafjordur Peninsula in Furufjördur, Tharalátursfjördur and Reykjafjördur, from where we will have a good and near view on the northern side of the glacier Drangajökull. Walkers can make a hike of a view hours from one fjord to the next on an old trail with cairns. In Furufjördur we will find bogs and lakes, and in the Reykjafjördur hot pools, in which we can take a bath. Harbour Seals and Grey Seals are common in this fjord.

In the early morning, if the weather allows, we sail past Kolbeinsey, a tiny island north of Grimsey, formed from a submarine eruption. Later we land on Grimsey Island off the north coast, and the only part of Iceland, which lies within the Arctic Circle (the Circle crosses the island). The island is home to huge colonies of Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Puffins, Fulmars and Arctic Terns, who far outnumber the human inhabitants, numbering just 100. A zodiac cruise along the western cliffs will afford us the opportunity to also admire the seabirds from the water. Later we may sail along the bird cliffs of Raudinupur.

If weather allows, we go ashore on the wild and windswept volcanic sands of Heradssandur, formed from debris washed down by mighty glacier rivers. On the marshlands of its braided channels, Whooper Swans, Greylag Geese, and several species of ducks and skuas breed. The see near the mouth of the river is teeming with Harbor Seals. In the afternoon we call at Borgarfjördur. A friendly small village, where people work on Jasper, a precious stone only found in this part of Iceland. We will try to visit a farm with a Common Eider breeding colony, where the birds are protected for down collection in this time of the year.

If the conditions at Heradssansur are adverse we will not land there, but land after Borgarfjördur, at Alftavik, in the natural harbor Lotna, where people lived until 1904

Heading down Iceland?s east coast we reach Skrudur, a bird island ( Gannets ) of 160 m high, where we can not land, but where we will cruise around in zodiacs and enter a huge cave. Later we sail to Papey, where Irish monks made a living in the 9th century. This beautiful, now uninhabited island, is home to thousands of Puffins and other seabirds

We land on Heimaey, an important fishing port and the Westman Islands only permanent community. A short walk allows us to see the results of the surprise 1973 eruption, which destroyed one third of the town and almost sealed off its vital harbor. A highlight of our time ashore will be the multitude of Puffins that breed along the grassy cliff tops and are still harvested annually by the locals. When we have left Heimaey we use the Zodiacs to cruise among the other Westman Islands. We will circumnavigate Surtsey, an island born in 1964 from volcanic activity, and Sulnasker and Hellisey, which have large breeding populations of Northern Gannets.

After breakfast we disembark in Keflavik



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Departure Dates
Around Iceland (Keflavik - Keflavik) 2006


Date Port Date Port Vessel
MLT 03 May 24 Keflavik Jun 01 Keflavik Prof. Multanovskiy
Prices in US Dollars
Triple Non Private Twin Non Private Twin Private Superior Suite
2,110 2,500 2,950 3,310 3,720


  • Voyage aboard the indicated vessel as per itinerary

  • All meals throughout the voyage aboard the ship incl. snacks, coffee and tea

  • All shore excursions and activities throughout the voyage by Zodiac

  • Program of lectures by noted naturalists and leadership by experienced expedition staff

  • All miscellaneous service taxes and port charges throughout the program

  • Comprehensive pre-departure material

Not Included

  • Any airfare, whether on scheduled or charter flights

  • Pre- and post land arrangements;

  • Transfers to / from the vessel outside Spitsbergen and Greenland

  • Passport and Visa expenses

  • Government arrival and departure taxes

  • Meals ashore

  • Baggage, cancellation and personal insurance (strongly recommended)

  • Excess baggage charges and all items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar, beverage charges and telecommunication charges

  • The customary gratuity at the end of the voyages for stewards and other service personnel aboard (guidelines will be provided)

  • $ 25 Service fee

Please note:

All dates & rates are subject to change.

All voyages will operate subject to a minimum of 25 participants (motor vessels) & 12 participants for the ?Noorderlicht?.

All rates are quoted per person in US Dollar, based on twin occupancy.

Twin non private and Twin private cabins are available for single occupancy at 1.7 times the share price US Dollar rates apply for all sales outside the area of the European Union.

5% discount will be granted for bookings for one or more consecutive voyages.

All itineraries are for guidance only. Programs may vary depending on local ice and weather conditions, and in order to take advantage of opportunities to see wildlife. Flexibility is paramount for expedition cruises.



Oceanwide Expeditions is the proud winner of the prestigious award:



Fuel surcharge not included:

Due to the continuous increases of fuel prices a fuel surcharge of US $ 14.00 per night per passenger has been added to the Arctic and North Atlantic Expedition Cruises on board the vessels

m/v “Professor Molchanov”, m/v “Professor Multanovskiy”, m/v “Grigoriy Mikheev” and

m/v “Aleksey Maryshev”.



All itineraries are for guidance only. Programs may vary depending on local ice and weather conditions and in order to take advantage of opportunities to see wildlife.
Flexibility is paramount for expedition cruises.


Optional Add-ons
  • Optional Add-ons Reykjavik Hotel Package

  • Blue Lagoon excursion with entrance fee

  • Golden Circle excursion


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 Copyright Five Stars of Scandinavia, Inc. 2006